How food affects children's sleep, health, behaviour and their ability to concentrate & learn.
Wednesday 23 October 20:00
Modern food, filled with additives and sugar, is not the right way to nourish your growing child. But what should we feed our children so they have better sleep, better behavior, and better health?
Should we swap cereals for blueberries or cookies for orange juice? What if orange juice makes your child hyperactive and bone broth causes sleep issues? There is so much confusion about food, and diets often seem to contradict each other.
Join Solveig Curran on 23 October for a free webinar to learn the truth about food and discover what really works to help improve your child's health, sleep, and behavior.
Fresh and natural foods, for better mental health.
Wednesday 30 October 20:00
Do you struggle with anxiety? Are you fed up with feeling low and lethargic?
Nutrients are super important for both mental and physical health.
"Change nothing, nothing changes!" If we want new results, we need to make new choices. And when we make these new choices over and over again, we will get new results!
Join Solveig Curran on 30 October for a free webinar to learn about how to improve your mental health through making positive changes to your diet.